Thursday, 19 August 2010

Sleeping dogs lie


I'm typing quietly (trying to) while Dag, Fizz and Rich sleep.

Haven't checked to see how long it is since I last did anything on here, but some news. Firstly, Dag tried to eat one of the rabbits (he killed him pretty much instantly). Those who know me, know what happened next. I don't like to talk about it, mainly because people think I'm a bit Dexter.

So bye-bye, Buja.

What else... went for an interview, for the same job, but more hours. Didn't get it. Felt a bit 'fuck it'. Still do.

Rich got invited to apply for a job in the Black Forest... the job was a back-step in terms of what he wants to do with his career, so it was a no-go. Sad face. Richard also learned how to be a plumber yesterday, when the pipes in the bathroom went a bit shit (they were old) after he replaced the bath. There is no doubt in my mind that he only finished the job because it meant he could buy a blowtorch. He said last night in the pub that his Dad was more proud of him fixing the pipes than working for the BBC... on THIS:

In a way, I am too. He's been drawing all his life, it's his natural talent and he's honed those skills for years, but plumbing is a foray into the vast depths of unknown. Plus the gaps were really small and he has proper sausage fingers. (Sorry, honey. It's no secret.)

I went to a hen-do in Whitby, and almost got a tattoo; more on that when I get it. I also went to the wedding: Emily Sandhu is now Emily Hart. And, I suspect, back from her 3-week honeymoon. (She doesn't read this, but: TEXT ME BACK, woman.) It was lovely. I took some photographs for her. Here's one of the lovely bride, who bossed me around for about a year while I worked at Halifax:

And this is one she took of me and Rich. I believe I was saying something like, that's enough, woman, I want it back now.

It made me want to look at pretty dresses. So I did. :) I love this:

- though it's a far cry from the original search I did, which brought up this:

Ahhh... black lace. Yum.

Anyway, what else... went to see the parents this weekend. That was fun, and brilliant because the dogs got on like they were little brothers and sisters (though technically, in the world of adopted dog children, Hiltz is Fizz and Dag's uncle). Very cute. Hiltz (my dad's dog) is a little poorly but will hopefully be better soon - they suspect he has a duff pancreas so he needs some Creon capsules in his life. One of the kids I work with takes them, so when Dad told me, I was like, ooh, miss, I know the answer! - swot. Got TWO banana bread loaves from Rich's mum Christine (heavenly, that was - toasted, with butter. Unrivalled...) and some cooking apples from my dad, so I'll be baking an apple cake today, I think. We had lunch on Sunday - Jimbo and Rikkitikki were there, with girlfriends I might add - Hello, Kelly and Katrina - and of course, Joe was home too. He introduced me to Jon Mayer, not in person, but via youtube - very talented guitarist. Worth a google.

Last night I drank two halves of cider and I've never been so drunk. It was less than 5%. I blame sleep deprivation. Either that or I'm turning Japanese.

(Sorry about the lack of clickable links... Blogger is being a dick.)